School News :: School Of Nursing

School News

  • 09 - Jul
  • 2024

Nursing Licensure Exam Lecture

The Office of Follow-up for Nursing School Graduates at the University of Jordan held a preparatory lecture for the Nursing Licensure Exam, which is conducted by the Nursing Council today, on the third of July.The lecture was delivered by Dr. Aamer Hassanein, an associate professor in the Clinical Nursing Department, who previously served as a member of the supervising committee for the exam.Approximately 43 graduates attended the lecture, where the speaker discussed the importance of the licensure exam and its goal of ensuring safe nursing care.The lecturer also explained the mechanism of conducting the exam and the supervising committees, highlighting the nature of the exam and the topics it focuses on. He stressed the importance of adequate preparation for the exam and referred students to several scientific references that would be beneficial during their studies.تمريض مزاولة المهنة.jpg