School Of Nursing :: The University of Jordan :: About Us

 About Us

About Us



Health education is the cornerstone in the prevention of diseases and at all stages of treatment. It is the first action to promote health, through which knowledge and health information are promoted.  It also aims to change people’s attitudes and adjust the health risky behaviors, especially with the steady increase of unhealthy lifestyle that may contributes to diseases such as hypertension, diabetes and infectious diseases. The youth age group (18-24) is an important and vital part of all societies due to the strength and the outstanding contribution in this age group. Therefore, designing health education programs to young people (students of the University of Jordan) are important to promote and improve their health lifestyles by providing them with knowledge and activities to motivate them and expand their choices to make well informed and healthy decisions related to their health. 

The youth during their transition from the school to the university, are considered to be one of the most sensitive groups highly affected by socio-economic factors and the surrounding environment, because of overlapping and intertwining of several different changes in their life, physiologically, socially and psychologically. Moreover, there is also a link between the health of youth and the health of society. It is also seen as an indicator of the progress of the society. This period is characterized by rapid and interrelated changes in the body, the mind and social relations. Investing in this age is an investment for the development of the future of any society.

It was therefore necessary to help young people to successfully pass this stage of life providing them with knowledge and skills in order to avoid the harmful or dangerous unhealthy behaviors which adversely affected their health and thus prevent physical and psychological diseases. This of course necessitates the development of a system of youth friendly services adapted to the local cultural context and meeting the health, social and psychological needs of young people, accordingly, the school of nursing at the University of Jordan established a Youth friendly Clinic for Health Promotion.

In this clinic, we believe that health education is considered a continuous, connected and cumulative learning process based on active collaborative learning strategies. Health education is one of the nurses’ roles and at the clinic will be provided by nursing students with supervision of the instructors. Preparation nursing students as health educator is one of the skills students should develop to assume this role in the future used in addition to volunteer students from other disciplines. Accordingly, a learning strategy adopted in health education is the “systematic peer learning”, where learners teach each other and are built on the basis that learning is learner-centered. Taking into account an effective learning environment that focuses on full student integration in the active learning process under a teacher’s supervision It is as well consistent with the needs of the youth rapid change and continuous development in all paths of their lives. Peer learning has many advantages; of which develop the students’ management skills; support their self-responsibility, improve their communication skills and improves self-direction, independence, and self-confidence; Provides opportunities for positive interaction among students; develops students' abilities and invests their energies time and experience, foster mutual trust and respect, increases the interest of learners in learning, in favor of individuals who prefer the individual education, Provides an opportunity for each student to learn teaching skills and to practice, training and having feedback, develop the peer capacity for collaborative learning, which has become an educational necessity because of the impact of those with high knowledge on their peers. Develop talent; inspiration, interests, tendencies of students and fill their leisure time develop a positive trend toward educational material institution. To take advantage of all these positive benefits, a youth-friendly health education clinic / faculty of nursing established to achieve what we desire from a vibrant health community.

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  ​Health Education / Youth Friendly Clinic


About the Clinic

The clinic is affiliated to the School of Nursing, which started working in the second semester of the academic year 2017 - 2018.

This youth-friendly health promotion clinic / School of nursing aims at raising health awareness, promoting a culture of health promotion and disease prevention, through primary and preventive health care, promoting healthy behavior and modification of unhealthy behavior among the youth. This can be achieved by providing individuals with information, experiences and skills required to enhance knowledge, inclinations and behavior regarding the individual’s health.

The youth-friendly health promotion clinic / School of nursing also works to activate the systematic peer learning strategy, which will increase the interaction of nursing students with students in other schools, departments and units. We believe in the active role of the School of Nursing students and faculty to raise the health awareness at the University of Jordan community. This can be achieved by conducting several activities such as; workshops and educational courses based on the needs of members of the university community, health awareness campaigns, counseling, and general health examinations. 

The activities and services of the clinic will be offered during the academic semester as part of the nursing students clinical training and volunteer students as extracurricular activities.


Philosophy of the Clinic

·      Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development of the society.

·   Obtaining a quality education is the foundation to improving people’s lives 

·   Health promotion enhances the health and prevent diseases

·   ​Systematic peer learning supports student’s active participation. 

·  ​Health education is considered a continuous, connected and cumulative learning process based on active collaborative learning strategies


To be a locally and regionally pioneer clinic in the field of health promotion of young people.

mission.jpgMission: Complement the mission of the school of nursing

The Youth-Friendly Health Promotion Clinic dedicates itself to improve health and wellbeing of youth at the University of Jordan through raising the health awareness of the youth. This can be accomplished by disseminating messages enhancing healthy lifestyles through a systematic peer learning strategy to increase the interaction of Nursing students as health educator with the university community, and through non-curricular activities (community service).

PEO's.jpgThe objectives of the clinic

·  Raising health awareness.

·  Promote primary health care by providing high quality, comprehensive and gender equal health care promotion. This can be achieved by providing health education services to male and female students and workers of different nationalities and religions.

·   Provide students with knowledge and skills to adopt healthy behaviors and modify unhealthy ones.

·    Communicate health information to individuals in order to motivate them to identify and solve their health problems within their potential, and to identify the ideal lifestyle for a healthier life.

·    Involve the students in productive extracurricular activities in their free time. 

·     Train the nursing students to assume the health education role.

·    Enhance inter-professional collaboration and interaction between the school of Nursing and the other schools at the university particularly health schools  involving topic experts to participate in the clinic activities.

·    Build collaborative relationships with local and international bodies that promote health awareness.

·    Encourage youth to seek promotive and preventive health care services and engage the university student as being active and effective member in promoting their health.

·       Establishing a health data base that can be used for planning health services and scientific research.

The Clinic's activities cover the following topics:

·      Prevention of diseases.

·   ​   Disease management and prevention of complications.

·      Coping and adaptation to stressful situations.

·      Screening and control of infectious diseases.

·      Early detection non-communicable diseases.

·      Raise health awareness of emerging diseases.

·      Maintain a healthy environment free of pollution and risks.

·      Provide psychosocial counseling.

·      Reproductive health

·      Safe parenting

·      Individualized counselling


Clinic Roles

The clinic will implement the following tasks:

·       Organize quality health awareness campaigns and programs.

·       Provide health education and counselling.

·       Prepare, select, use and evaluate educational aids and educational materials.

·       Plan implement and evaluate health promotion programs

·       Design educational programs in innovative and attractive ways at all levels (individually, and group ).

·       Collaborate with local and international health care agencies and organizations.

·       Ensure the quality standards

·       Ensure ethical conducts applied to all activities

·       Inviting experts on specific health issues to participate in clinic’s activities.

·       Establishing a health indicators data base that can be used for planning activities and scientific research

·       Apply for external financial support (grants)

·       Launch website on the University of Jordan page , and facebook page

·       Formation of a support team to work in all stages of the implementation process that consist of several committees. 

·     Conducting training courses to prepare the participants to carry out the tasks of the proposed committees.

·        Strengthen the relationship with the outstanding graduates of the Faculty of Nursing, for the purpose of participating in various clinic programs.

·        Establishing a club (Friends of Health) and setting up a health campat the university campus.

·        Preparing the clinic action plan each semester to be approved by the executive committee.

·        Disseminate health awareness information by Media, newsletter or Journal

·        Advertise the activities through different channels

