School News :: School Of Nursing

School News

  • 03 - Jun
  • 2024

A delegation from "Jordanian Nursing" visits the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania.

​The Dean of the School of Nursing at the University of Jordan, Professor . Areej Othman, visited the Nursing School at the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, United States, accompanied by a delegation of students from the school. The purpose of the visit was to strengthen cooperation between the two universities, within the framework of a memorandum of understanding being negotiated between them. The visit is part of the grant provided by the Rawaabit project, carried out by the Jordanian-American Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange, to the school of Nursing at the University of Jordan.

During the visit, Prof.Othman held several meetings with stakeholders at the University of Pittsburgh, including the Research Center and the Clinical Simulation Center (Wiser). She gained insights into the university's experience in these two areas and discussed ways to exchange expertise between the two parties.

The accompanying undergraduate students presented their research projects during a scientific day supervised by the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing - Pittsburgh Chapter, where nursing students from different levels and universities came together. The students exchanged research ideas and scientific experiences during this event.

It is worth mentioning that the visit is fully funded by the Rawaabit project, affiliated with the American Fulbright Cultural Exchange Foundation.

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