School Of Nursing :: The University of Jordan :: Elderly... You are the roses and we are the waterers

Schools Activities


Elderly... You are the roses and we are the waterers

The School of Nursing at the University of Jordan believes that older adults are the foundation of society, representing a growing segment of it. In light of this, the college organized an activity titled "Elderly... You are the flowers, and we are the waterers."
The aim of the activity, which involved third and fourth-year students, was to shed light on topics related to older adults. These topics included psychological and social aspects, healthy nutrition, the importance of physical activity, boosting immunity, common age-related diseases, and the need to prevent elder abuse. The activity coordinators, Professor. Ikhlas Al-Jamal and lecturer Iman Al-Hurani, emphasized that older adults have made numerous contributions to society. They have shared their experiences and knowledge with other generations through their expertise. They also highlighted that the organization of this activity was intended to highlight their needs and honor their efforts.نشاط كبار السن.jpg