Breast Cancer Awareness Activities

1. Health Awareness events at the School of Foreign Languages:

a. A seminar entitled “Breast Cancer Health Awareness” held on October 25, 2018 and attended by around 100 people.
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b. Breast Cancer Awareness Open Day attended by around 250. The activities included the distribution of brochures and publications, showing videos, and a demonstrating screening test on a breast model.

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2. Health awareness activities at the School of Sharia on October 30, 2018:

a. A seminar entitled “Breast Cancer Health Awareness” attended by around 150 people.

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b. Breast Cancer Awareness Open Day at the School of Sharia which was attended by around 400 people. The activities included the distribution of brochures and publications, showing videos, and a demonstrating screening test on a breast model

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3. Health awareness event at the School of Arts and Design on November 11, 2018.

a.  A seminar entitled “Breast Cancer Health Awareness” attended by around 100 people.

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b. Breast Cancer Awareness Open Day at the School of Arts and Design which was attended by around 150 people. The activities included the distribution of brochures and publications, showing videos, and a demonstrating screening test on a breast model. 

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