School Of Nursing :: The University of Jordan :: Dean of the College of Nursing honors Prof. Prof. Petro-Nustas and Dr. Tucker

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Dean of the College of Nursing honors Prof. Prof. Petro-Nustas and Dr. Tucker

Prof. Fathieh Abu Moghli, Dean of the College of Nursing, honored Prof. Wasileh Petro-Nustas (Department of Community Nursing) and Dr. Terry Tucker (Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of Jordan) on Sunday 20/12/2015.
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Faculty members at the Community Health Nursing Department (CHND) represented by the head of the department Dr.  Waddah D'emeh also joined the Dean in honoring Prof. Wasileh Petro-Nustas.  
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This honoring is an expression of appreciation for the efforts of both Prof.
Petro-Nustas and Dr. Tucker in the development of nursing science and for serving the University of Jordan and the Jordanian community.
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Participated in the honoring event members of the Faculty of Nursing who provided heartfelt farewell and best wishes for Prof. Petro-Nustas, Dr. Tucker, and her husband David before they leave the University of Jordan and the homeland for good.
Nadin M. abdel Razeq