At the successful completion of the Master program of Maternal and Newborn Health Nursing the student should be able to:
1. Analyzeand evaluatecritically advanced knowledge inmanaging maternal and newborn health conditions.
2. Apply and examinenursing competencies in the specialty of maternal and newborn
health nursing by employing advanced knowledge of nursing practices and other sciences to provide holistic health carefor individuals, families and communities.
3. Practicesafely and professionally within the ethical and legal contexts of competent practice in the field of maternal and newborn health nursing.
4. Examine, evaluate, and incorporate findings of evidence-based practices and information technology to improve maternal and newborn health nursing care.
5. Adapt leadership, clinical reasoning, clinical judgment, and decision-making skills while providing safe maternal and newborn nursing care within varieties of healthcare settings
6. Communicate effectively with peers, health team members, and clients
7. Workconstantly to develop and improve the scholastic role in specialized clinical nursing practice within the scope of maternal and newborn health nursing.
8. Prepare and conduct presentations within local and international professional standards.
9. Write a research proposalaccording to accreditedprofessional standards.
10. Conduct a research project relevant to maternal and newborn health nursing displaying competencies in study design, choice of methods and ethical considerations (Thesis Path).
11. Value and adhere tolife-long professional development.