School Of Nursing :: The University of Jordan :: Postgraduate Nursing Program Evaluation Survey: Assessing Academic Satisfaction


Postgraduate Nursing Program Evaluation Survey: Assessing Academic Satisfaction

In the pursuit of continuous improvement in educational quality and academic satisfaction for postgraduate students, UJ Nursing School recognizes the importance of gathering feedback and perspectives from our students. Through surveys, school administrators gain valuable insights into students' experiences, concerns, and recommendations, enabling them to plan more effectively, enhance course quality, and tailor courses to meet students' needs. Your participation in this survey is highly appreciated and we assure you that all information provided will be treated with the strictest confidentiality. By understanding your concerns and feedback on academic satisfaction, we aim to boost your motivation and academic performance while also elevating the university's reputation and overall student satisfaction. Please click on the following link to access the survey:​​. Thank you for your time and valuable input.