الدكتورة ميسون عبد الرحيم

الدكتورة ميسون عبد الرحيم أستاذ مساعد في قسم التمريض السريري ومساعد العميد لشؤون الطلبة، للدكتورة العديد من الإنجازات العلمية في مجال تأليف الكتب وترجمتها، بالإضافة إلى نشر العديد من الأبحاث في مجلات عالمية محكمة، يُذكر من هذه الإنجازات الآتي:



 1) co-author of “ First Aid” Arabic book. (2nd.ed.). Amman: The National Liberary.1/2013.

2) co-author of “Fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, process, and practice ", (Arab World Ed.). UK: Pearson Education Limited.1/2012.

3) Arabic translation of Chapleau’s book “Emergency First Responder: Making the Differecne”. Elsevier ompany.6/2011. OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS INCLUDE: 1) co-author of “ English for Para-Medical professions", Suadi Arabia.8/2008-8/2009. 2) Editor and co-author of “ Teacher’s Guide for the Nursing Care Books" for 2nd. Secondary Nursing Students, Ministy of education, Amman-Jordan. 7/96: 7/97. 3)Editor and co-author of " Teacher's Guide for the Nursing Care Books "for 1st. secondary nursing students", Ministy of education, Amman-Jordan. 2/97.

4) Editor and co- author of "Nursing Care" book for 2nd. Secondary Nursing Students, Ministy of education, Amman-Jordan. 7/96.

5) Editor co- author of "Nursing care: Clinical Training " book for 2nd. Secondary nursing students, Ministy of education, Amman-Jordan.7/96.

6) Editor and co-author of " Nursing Care " book for 1st. Secondary Nursing Students, Ministy of education, Amman-Jordan.7/95

7) Editor and co-author of "Nursing Care, Clinical Training “Book for 1st. Secondary Nursing Student, Ministy of education, Amman-Jordan. 7/95