Masters in Nursing
Program Description :The clinical Nursing Master’s program is a two-year full-time program that prepares the graduates to assume the advanced Nurse Specialist Roles in four specializations: critical care, palliative care, maternal and newborn health, and psychiatric mental health nursing. It is composed of Theory and Advanced Practice in different clinical settings depending on the specialization. The program has two tracks thesis and comprehensive for each specialization.
Program Type :Master's Degree in Nursing
Study Plan :
Study Plan-Healthcare Leadership and Quality Improvement - Thesis.pdf    
Study Plan-Healthcare Leadership and Quality Improvement-Comprehensive Exam.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Critical Care - Comprehensive.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Critical Care - Thesis.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Maternal and New born Health Nursing - Comprehensive.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Maternal and New born Health Nursing - Theises.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Palliative Care - Thesis.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Palliative Care -Comprehesive.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Psychiatric Mental Health - Comprehensive.pdf    
Study Plan-Master Psychiatric Mental Health - Thesis.pdf    
Program Department :

School Of Nursing

Excellence in Teaching, Clinical Practice, Research and Community Service