School Of Nursing :: The University of Jordan :: The Faculty of Nursing and Health Based Voluntary Programs

Schools Acheivements


The Faculty of Nursing and Health Based Voluntary Programs

Driven by the sincere belief at the Faculty of Nursing-University of Jordan of the importance of voluntary work and young people's ability to bring about change in Jordanian society, the Faculty of Nursing and in collaboration with the Royal Association for Health Awareness is implementing the project  "our youth" for health promotion and volunteer work.
The aim of the project is to prepare a national network of trained young volunteers to play leadership roles in the society and motivate their peers to adopt healthy practices and behaviors.
Under the care of Prof. Fathieh Abu Moghli, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, a team consisting of Dr. Mohammad Saleh, coordinator, and eight of highly qualified faculty members was established to carry out the project. The team members were professionally trained on the use of interactive teaching methods so they will be more qulaified to integrate these methods  in the youth training sessions.
The project will be held in two sessions during the period from 07.11.2015 till 2.12 -2015 for a group of 70 students from the University of Jordan students. During these sessions, ten carefully selected health promotion topics will be highlighted; specifically, smoking, cancer, obesity, diabetes, mental health, gender, changes of adolescence, preparing for marriage, family planning, and safe motherhood.

It is worth mentioning that the ambition is to expand the outreach boundaries of the youth project so it will reach and train vast number of the university students on the selected health promotion topics, optimistically leading more members of the Jordanian society to adopt healthy lifestyles on the long term


Nadin M. abdel Razeq, PhD.