School Of Nursing :: The University of Jordan :: Prof. Tarawne, President of JU, Meets with the Nursing Faculty

Schools Acheivements


Prof. Tarawne, President of JU, Meets with the Nursing Faculty

Members of the Faculty of Nursing were delighted to welcome Prof. Dr. Ekhleif Tarawneh, the president of the University of Jordan, and Prof. Dr. Azmi Mahafzah, Vice President for Scientific Faculties Affairs, who met with the Faculty of Nursing (FON) members on November 8, 2015.

 Prof. Fathieh Abu Moghli, the Nursing Dean, first welcomed Prof. Tarawne and Prof. Mahafzah on the behalf of the members at the Nursing Faculty.
Prof. Tarawne addressed the advancement achieve by  JU in its mission of reaching the highest international levels of excellence in education.
He also highlighted the importance of faculty support, development, and expertise in achieving the ultimate purpose of preparing competent graduates in all required specializations to advance our beloved homeland, Jordan.
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An open dialog followed the speech of Prof. Tarawne, in which the FON members discussed matters concerning the education process at the FON and proposed ways to improve it.
Finally, Prof. Tarawne and Prof. Mahafzah alongside with the Dean and nursing faculty cordially visited the new extension to the FON building as it is being furnished and prepared to be open in the near future.
Nadin M. Abdel Razeq, PhD.